Viewing: Broadcast
iOS App Concept


An iOS app concept for enhancing parent-teacher communications

Figma Product Design iOS App Mobile

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The Problem

In the United States, a constant flow of communication occurs between teachers and parents, necessitating a way to manage and control these messages. These communications range from school-wide announcements to private discussions with individual parents or sharing photos from school trips. Currently, such messages are dispatched through a multitude of tools. Photos might be shared via a Smore newsletter, while parent-teacher conversations could take place through regular text messages or platforms like WhatsApp. In some instances, the old-fashioned physical note from a teacher still comes into play.


Broadcast aims to be the one-stop app that consolidates the majority, if not all, of these communications. It seeks to simplify the process for both teachers and parents, making it easier to send and receive messages.

Taking inspiration from messaging apps like Telegram, Broadcast tailors its functionality to the specific needs of teachers and parents. Having a dedicated app for school-related communication in one place adds to its appeal.

'For You' page with audio message, photos and surveys

The App

The app itself boasts simplicity. Parents receive notifications for messages relevant to them, or use the 'For You' page to access the latest updates. For teachers, the app allows them to send messages with varying levels of urgency. Urgent messages trigger notifications and may even require a response from parents.

Key features

  1. 1. All-in-One Communication Hub

    Broadcast serves as the go-to source for keeping up with school-related matters. It encompasses photos, videos, polls, updates, announcements, and one-on-one conversations.

  2. 2. Message Acknowledgment

    Some messages may necessitate acknowledgment or trigger multiple notifications to ensure they are read. Less urgent messages may simply appear on the 'For You' page. In case a parent hasn't accessed the app for a while, an aggregate notification may be sent, saying, 'You have 14 new updates from Michael.'

  3. A notification with acknowlegement, and contact teacher options

  4. 3. Scan to Join Groups

    Encouraging parents to download yet another app can be a challenge. Teachers play a significant role here, but a quick and efficient way to scan a QR code and install an app that's already configured can be a game-changer.

  5. Going into a group to show the join QR code

  6. 4. Seamless Integration with Existing Tools

    Recognizing that there may be an adoption period until everyone is on board with the app, Broadcast ensures that the old methods of communication work smoothly alongside it. A database keeps track of which parents have the app installed. In cases where they don't, messages can continue to be sent through classic emails or texts. This approach helps ensure messages are received and doesn't come across as spammy.


Designing an iOS app presents a fascinating challenge. It required adherence to guidelines, and as an iPhone user myself, I aimed for a native feel that wouldn't seem out of place.

Throughout the process, I conducted research and drew inspiration from other messaging and social apps. I discovered the wealth of small details in these apps that make them exceptionally user-friendly for daily use.

Showing a message creation flow, wich different interactive options