Viewing: Fieldtrip
Past Product


A video-based remote learning tool for K-12

Figma Product Design Front-end Development LogRocket Tailwind Live Streaming Remote Learning

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The Problem

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, virtually all schools in the United States shifted to remote learning, necessitating the use of remote teaching tools. Given that Smore's user base primarily consists of educators and teachers, we were approached by our users, who recognized our expertise in this field, to provide a solution. Initially, our answer was a resounding "no", but soon enough, our creative wheels started turning.


Fieldtrip emerges as a video-based remote teaching tool that places less emphasis on equipping every student with a webcam and more focus on delivering a smooth teaching experience and ensuring an enjoyable learning process.

Starting lesson process, showing the lesson planner on the right

Iterative Product Development

The development journey of Fieldtrip was thrilling, with time being a critical factor. We formed a dedicated team within our already compact organization to spearhead this project. We aimed to deliver something swiftly, even if it meant the product was a bit rough around the edges and unfinished. Our objective was to learn from a select group of users who were willing to use a product that might have its quirks.

Key Features

  1. 1. Live and Recorded Lessons

    Fieldtrip lessons are hosted on the web, and the same URL for the live session doubles as the link for the recording. Unlike Zoom, if a student misses a live class, they don't need to wait for a recording link; it's readily available during and after the lesson with the same URL.

  2. 2. Live Lesson Rewind

    As mentioned, the recording and live session share the same page. So, even if a student joins the class 10 minutes late, they can rewind to the beginning of the lesson and catch up (with options for faster playback or skimming). Teachers can also monitor when a student falls behind and precisely where they are in the lesson.

  3. 3. The Lesson Planner

    Fieldtrip empowers teachers to upload their slides in advance, insert questions at relevant points, and structure their lessons more effectively. Another highly appreciated feature was the ability to duplicate lessons for reuse, as teachers often teach the same content to multiple classes, saving them valuable time.

  4. 4. The DJ

    This interface, accessible while live, enables teachers to seamlessly switch between various elements such as their camera, slides, or screen sharing with just one click.

  5. An early DJ version, moving between camera and white-board

  6. 5. Optimized for Low-Speed Connections

    Fieldtrip doesn't rely solely on screen sharing. Instead, it processes slides as lightweight PDFs, ensuring a smooth experience even with slow internet connections. This optimization received accolades from teachers who often face connectivity challenges.

  7. 6. Interactive Student Experience (Without Cameras)

    A notable aspect of Fieldtrip was its approach of not requiring students to have their cameras on at all times. Instead, teachers had a dedicated view for each student (with their initials) and indicators for various student actions, including falling behind, switching to another tab, reactions (emojis), requesting help, asking questions, and responding to other students' queries.

  8. Viewer 'sidebar' with questions, polls and other interactions

Working with Our Users

Building Fieldtrip involved close collaboration with our users. We established a growing beta user group for ongoing feedback and improvements. For the first time, we employed session recording software, specifically LogRocket, which I'm a huge advocate of. This was a transformative experience for me as a designer. Every new feature or modification underwent refinement after reviewing several session recordings.

From that point on, every element was rigorously tested through session recordings with our small beta group, significantly expediting and enhancing our product development process.

A Different Approach than Zoom

During this project, Zoom emerged as a major player in the industry, gaining widespread recognition. The decision to not require student cameras received mixed feedback from users. While some teachers expressed concerns, others wholeheartedly embraced it, asserting that it aided in crafting more effective lessons. With Fieldtrip's emojis, polls, and question systems in place, teachers could still gauge students' progress without relying on constant video feeds.

Spaces. Fieldtrips take on turning camera on for students in groups